Hallelu-YaH - all honor to YaHUaHNL versie

The Significant Name of God (5)

The meaning of God’s glorious Name יהוה - YaHUaH

André H. Roosma
11 May 2020 (NL original: 24 Nov. 2014)

I have written about it before,1 but I cannot remain silent about it: the extraordinarily rich meaning of God’s glorious Name.

In the time and land of the Bible, names were not just a simple identification as they are with us, but names had meaning. Someone’s name said who he was. A name was a description of the person, his or her background and/or his or her vocation of life. Some examples:2

  • Moses’ name, in Hebrew: משׁה - Mosheh, comes from mashah - to pull out; under his guidance God had the people of Isra’el pull out of Egypte;
  • the prophet Elijah was called in Hebrew: אליהו - ’Eli-yahu - YaHUaH is my God. Most well-known about him is the battle against the idol priests (1 Kings 18); a battle that ended in that all the people cried out in unison: YaHUaH is God! (verse 39);
  • Jesus’ name, in Hebrew: ישׁוע - Yeshu‘a, a shortened form of: יהושׁוע or יהושׁע - originally: Yahu-shu‘a (as I described recently), is a contraction of God’s glorious Name YaHUaH and the verb yash‘a - to save, deliver; He is God in His human form as Savior!

So if we want to get to know the God of the Bible in more detail, it is first of all good to look at what His great Name tells us about Him.

He who is there, was there and will be there, in one Word

In the first place, the beautiful Name יהוה - YaHUaH can be seen as the he-form of the ancient Hebrew verb הוה - hawah or huah - ‘to be there, to live, to come into existence’. First of all YaHUaH is the God Who is there. That is a form of ‘being’ that stands above time. His ‘being’ encompasses time: past, present and future (cf. Revelations 1: 8, 11, 17).

We recognize this being above time in the statement of Jesus (Yahu-shu‘a): “Before ’Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58; the Pharisees were offended because Jesus equated Himself with God here).

There is something awesome about this. Where we as humans derive our identity from our origins or our achievements, God simply is there. YaHUaH period. He is of a completely different order than us, His creatures. He is, from eternity to eternity. This may evoke our awe for Him! God’s ‘being’ is far beyond our comprehension!

We exist in Him

God’s exalted ‘being’ is at the same time the basis for our humble ‘being’. We are created by Him and unto Him, and with all this created world, we find our existence, our ‘being there’ only in Him (Acts 17:28; Colossians 1:17; Hebrews 1:3; 2:10). We do not exist in our own strength.
I have noticed that when doctors or biologists announced major breakthroughs in their science, it was never the case that they themselves had created life, they had only led the life God gives in slightly different directions. Think for example of stem cell research. Why are people investing so much money here? Because it is God’s mechanism to form all kinds of human or animal tissues, and beyond that, man himself cannot form even one living cell.

This was elementary for Jesus. Also as a human being He was constantly aware of the fact that His ‘being’ was derived from the higher ‘being’ of God the Father. And so He constantly attuned His actions to the Father. As recorded in Joh. 5:17, “My Father is working until now, and I am working too.” (cf. John 5:19,30; 9:4; 14:10).

The consequences of this are enormous – anthropologically and pastorally as well. Because our ‘being’ originates in God’s ‘being’, our first and most important task is also: to honor and glorify Him. And it underlines that our performance is only of secondary importance. That He loves us and is merciful to us does not depend on our position, how well we do it, or how our environment thinks about us, but is grounded in His ‘being’, so in His Character. It is His Character to be gracious and loving and faithful.3 In problems or in our failures, this can and may be a great comfort! We never have to doubt Him. He wanted us. He loves us, and that love of His spans time as well. We too, like Jesus, may derive our lives from Him, and attune all that we do to Him.

Another dimension: He is there!

That ‘being there’ of that old Hebrew verb הוה - hawah or huah - ‘to be there, to live’ has yet another dimension. In the Bible it is also used in the sense of ‘being there with someone’, ‘being present’. In the glorious Name יהוה - YaHUaH, with which God reveals Himself to us, He also says that it is His Character to want to be there with His people. The Bible does not use this glorious Name yet in Genesis 1, but only from Genesis 2, when God created man, onward. God wants to be with us humans. And He wants us to be with Him. Only then do we really have Life, only then will our existence reach its goal.

That means that we have to abandon our old culture of ‘I can do it myself.’ We must give up that ‘life’ in order to find true Life in and with Him. Therefore, Jesus said:

“He who finds his life shall lose it. And he who loses his life for My sake shall find it.” ...
“For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, and whoever desires to lose his life for My sake shall find it. For what does it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but forfeits his life? Or what can a person give in exchange for his life?”

Mat.10:39; 16:25-26
Note: In the Source text the word translated ‘life’ is sometimes also translated as ‘soul’ and it could also be translated as ‘being’ as I talk about it here. We have to give up our old miserable life in order to find our real ‘being’ (after God’s model) in Jesus.

In God’s being present; in our relationship with Him through Jesus, we come to our goal as human beings!

Hallelu YaHUaH !


1 The names in the Bible have meaning. That is why I transliterate them carefully so that they remain recognizable. Especially the glorious Name of God I represent here as accurately as possible from the oldest Hebrew original, instead of replacing this grand personal Name of The Most High by a common word, such as ‘Lord’. For more background information see:
André H. Roosma, ‘Life, security and belonging in joyful adoration, from the hand of God.pdf document, brief Hallelu-YaH article about the Biblical Name of God in the earliest Hebrew (old Semitic) script, January 2011.
André H. Roosma, ‘The Shema‘ – the First Testament declaration of faith (1)’, Hallelu-YaH! web article, February 2012.
André H. Roosma, ‘The wonderful and lovely Name of the God Who was there, Who is there, and Who will be there.pdf document, extensive Accede! / Hallelu-YaH! study, July 2009.
2 On my Dutch site www.Hallelu-JaH.nl I have a series of articles on Hebrew names that are illustrative as well here. Several of those can be found in the large draft research document on the oldest form of Hebrew: ‘The Written Language of Abraham, Moses and David – A study of the pictographic roots and basic notions in the underlying fabric of the earliest Biblical script.pdf document, a living document by André H. Roosma, 1st English version: 18 April 2011 (1st Dutch original: January 2011).
3 See also:
The Character of Godחסד ואמת - chesed we ’emet - grace and truth/ faithful­ness’, 10 July 2015;
חֲנַנְיָה - Chanan-YaH – (the) grace and mercy of YaHUaH’, 2 Feb. 2019
What God YaHUaH says about Himself – the Message of Exodus 34: 6-7’, 20 January 2012.


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