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Cultivating Life

Does the Christian life revolve around choosing between good and evil? 1

André H. Roosma
16 February 2015 (Dutch version: 22 Dec. 2014)

Many Christians seem to live from the principle that in essence, life consists of making the right choices: choosing for the good, and against evil, against sin.
Life then is all about knowing at each choice what would be the right option. Careful study and weighing is employed to determine what is ‘good’ and what is ‘wrong’. The Bible is read as if it was a law code: this is good, and that is wrong. And what is right and what is wrong is, of course, defined precisely. We must, after all, know well where we should go.
And whosoever does not choose ‘good’ is rejected. Hearts cool down. One says: “this is right”, and the other “no, that’s the right option!” Married couples argue about it. Friendships are split up over it. God and our relationship with Him and each other are no longer at the center but just who is right. People who consider them­selves important, demand that others follow them in their views on what is “good” and “not good”. More and more issues – so: including secondary issues – get involved in it. Entire church divisions have resulted from this. Rabbinic Judaism has totally gone into the mist because of this (613 commandments or laws, each again explained in dozens of sub-laws, and not even recognizing Jesus...). Is that it? Was that what God intended...??

Let’s look in the Bible, to see what God intended. Let’s start at the beginning. In Genesis 1, we read about creation; in Genesis 2 about the first two people: ’Adam and Eve (Hebr.: Chuah). Everything was good. They walked in the garden of ‘Eden, paradise, in great harmony with God Himself.
There in that wonderful garden God had provided for their food through fruit-bearing trees. There was, among others, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Thereby God had given them an important capacity to choose. The Tree of Life testified to the fullness of Life that God intended for them. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was ill-presented to them by the adver­sary as a source of (own) wisdom and independence from God (Who, according to the adversary, was not to be trusted...). Although they knew Him, they did not listen to God, but to that nasty adversary, that division-sower, that demolisher. They wanted to be able to choose by themselves. To have knowledge by themselves of what is good and what is evil. Be like God themselves and determine their own lives by themselves.
And just that was what they lost: Life...

As a pastoral worker I often heard from people that they ran empty or got depleted of all energy by this kind of behavior of significant others in their environment (husband/wife, manager, neighbors, family (in law), church leaders, ...). Their eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, following that life principle, not only gives absolutely no Life, it also sucks all the life away out of everybody involved and thus it sows non-life; death!

Yet God chooses Life anyway

Yet God did not give up. God sought for man again. Time after time He came to meet us again with His grace and tender love. Like His glorious Name YaHUaH already indicates, He is looking for the relationship, the mutual trust, the Life. 2 And while doing that, He makes Himself utterly vulnerable. Jesus / Yeshu‘a came into our night, into our non-life, to have that non-life, that death be nailed to the cross in His own body, and to rise up in a New Life, and to share that with us.

He overcame evil. It is no longer a choice between two similar things. God wants us, too, to choose Life. In fact, we therefore have again this choice between that Tree of Life and that Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The choice between Life in dependence on God on the one hand and on the other hand decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. Paul therefore also uses the terms: Life from the Spirit of God, and: life after the law or to the letter. That choice lies embedded in the fact that God does not make us puppets.
What the choice for the knowledge of good and evil leads to, I have briefly outlined above: chilling love, and death. Let’s look more closely at what the other option of Life really entails.

That Life is firstly something we receive in grace from God’s hand. In the death and resurrection of Yeshu‘a everything is prepared such that we can Live in harmony with God and each other. And that leads also to great appreciation and gratitude towards God.3
That marks and determines already immediately the entire atmosphere. It is not something we deserve. I do not have it because I was so good. I got it from God’s love, which is inexhaustible. So, in passing it on I do not have to be frugal or scanty.

This means a lot for our relationship and fellowship with God. It means that I become curious and eager to receive even more from Him. It means that I especially want to learn to listen to Him well and extensively day by day, because I do not want to miss any of his beautiful and loving guidance and His beautiful influence in my life. I have to think of that famous confession of Peter to Jesus: “You have words of eternal life!” That’s why he wanted to stay close to Jesus! It also means that I can wait and let go; after all, isn’t everything in His hands?! I do not need to be right or to see something ‘just right.’ The world is in God’s hands, so it does not have to be under the control of us, little people.

This also means a lot for our relationships with each other and for the way we relate in every day life. In all relationships, it is a Life where we as humans are given to each other. Personal differences thus show something of God’s variegation, and so they are appreciated. It’s not about which vision is ‘right’ and which is ‘incorrect’. It’s about how we can bless each other in this Life! Specifically: In this Life I look how I can bless others with what God has given me in particular. And conversely, I want to see that what God gives me in the other, first and foremost as an enrichment. What God gives in and through your neighbor, you therefore do not exclude, and you do not humiliate and certainly you do not ridicule it or him/her. You look how you can encourage yourself and others to receive more of that beautiful Life from God!

That would give everyone dignity and energy! That allows everyone to arrive on his or her place, as God intends.

Hallelu YaH !


1 About this same theme Watchman Nee and Witness Lee wrote in their book: Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Vol 3, Living Stream Ministry, Anaheim, CA, 2003. Order and download from the website of Rhema Literature Distributors.
2 The glorious Name of God represents His will to be present with His people, and the fact the He gives Life. In this article, that great Name is not replaced arbitrarily by some other word (e.g. LORD) but transliterated as accurate as possible from the oldest Hebrew original. For more background information on this see: More at the Articles page.
3 Compare what Abraham Kuyper, the famous Dutch Christian politician (founder of the ARP and the Free University of Amsterdam) said more than a century ago, in his 2nd Stone lecture on Calvinism and Religion: „In its original form, in its natural condition, religion is exclusively a sentiment of admiration and adoration which elevates and unites, not a feeling of dependence which severs and depresses.” (Source: Abraham Kuyper, Lectures on Calvinism .pdf document, WM.B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids MI, USA, 1898/1931).


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