Hallelu-YaH - all honor to YaHUaHNL versie

The Significant Name of God (11)

The unique ‘BEING’ of God – by nature we cannot comprehend it

André H. Roosma
26 May 2020 (NL original: 8 Jan. 2015)

In a previous article I talked about the connection of the glorious Name of God, YaHUaH, to the old Hebrew verb hawah - te be (there), to live, to breathe, to happen, to come about, to come into being.1

A discussion about “To be”: a puzzling verb, in the ‘Applied Linguistics’ group of LinkedIn™, confronted me with how puzzling and peculiar the verb to be is. Have you ever noticed that various conjugations of this verb – such as: am, is, are, was, were – do not at all resemble the root to be? That’s correct, because most of these forms originally come from completely different verbs. Some come from from the Old English form: wesan (also known in German and Dutch: wesen), from Proto-Germanic wesaną - to abode. And the Englisch root to be and its conjugation been comes from the Proto-Germanic beuną - to exist, to grow, to become, to come about, to appear. This is also the original form of the Dutch conjugation (ik) ben - I am. There, too, we see conjugations that strongly deviate from the root. And this phenomenon appears to occur in many more languages. The different forms that we still encounter in many European languages ​​appear to be based on no fewer than four ancient Proto-Indo-European roots.2
So we once had multiple verbs that have become, as it were, confused and merged into all those conjugations of our present verb to be.

I was just wondering: could all this confusion, all this irregularity, around our expression of being, have anything to do with the fact that we cannot really get a handle on the depth of being there, that being there that originates in God and that we see reflected in His Name YaHUaH...?

Only in Him, that is to say: in close relationship with Him, we will gradually discover something of that being. The wonderful thing is that this gives energy, initiative and peace at the same time. When we reside in Him Who IS, our actions are no longer dictated by fear, by our old deficiencies or by demands from our environment. We are already, so we don’t have to profile ourselves so fervently by all kind of actions. So we have the space to see what God is doing, and can join in, just as Jesus did.3 The result is a calmer life – more attuned to and in harmony with God.

Hallelu YaH !


1 The names in the Bible have meaning. That is why I transliterate them carefully so that they remain recognizable. Especially the glorious Name of God I represent here as accurately as possible from the oldest Hebrew original, instead of replacing this grand personal Name of The Most High by a common word, such as ‘Lord’. For more background information see:
André H. Roosma, ‘Life, security and belonging in joyful adoration, from the hand of God.pdf document, brief Hallelu-YaH article about the Biblical Name of God in the earliest Hebrew (old Semitic) script, January 2011.
André H. Roosma, ‘The Shema‘ – the First Testament declaration of faith (1)’, Hallelu-YaH! web article, February 2012.
André H. Roosma, ‘The wonderful and lovely Name of the God Who was there, Who is there, and Who will be there.pdf document, extensive Accede! / Hallelu-YaH! study, July 2009.
2 Those four are: *es- (*h1es-; from this comes the conjugation (he) is, but also Latin est), *sta- (*steh2-), *wes- (=> wesan - to aobde, see above) and *bhu- (*bhuh2-; or *bhew- - to become; from this: the English to be).
3 See John 5: 19-20, 30; 8: 38; 9: 4. See also the poem „I thought...” .pdf document, at Accede!, Feb. 1995.
That rest of that being in Him we can find by becoming more conscious of His Presence, as in the Immanuel-lifestyle.

See also the blog by Patrick Tomlinson: ‘The Importance and Value of ‘Being’’.
A quote: “Why is this subject of ‘being’, which allows the space for something unknown to unfold, so important? I think the key reason is that it is central to the process of our develop­ment, as individuals, groups, and societies. How we are able to be with ourselves individu­ally and collectively is fundamental to our health. ...


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